Statement Corona Virus by CEO Wouter Cornelissen

Veröffentlicht am 17-03-2020

The Corona virus is out there, and here to stay for the upcoming period. Nobody can ignore that. It’s a serious problem for the world. Both private as business related. In many countries the latest regulations are now also specifically impacting the fitness industry, by closing down all gyms for a certain period. With every day several developments that follow each other up quickly, I felt the urge to give a statement from my role as CEO and co-owner of Hidden Profits Marketing.

Follow advices and regulations of government and professionals
Day in, day out all governments and health specialists are working on the best workable solutions for every country. The situation per country is different, as are the regulations that where (and will be) announced based on that. Let us all trust, follow and act on the advices and regulations of these specialist as good as we can. Just like your members trust you on giving personal advices for their health goals. Just like our clients trust us on (online) marketing advices in the fitness industry. I’m convinced that if we all oblige to that, this situation will improve as good and quick as possible. As Hidden Profits Marketing we will fully commit to that.

Hidden Profits Marketing office closed until further notice
In order to make sure that we look after the health of our team, their families and their friends as good as we can, we decided that the Hidden Profits Marketing office will be closed until further notice. That is 55 people that do not have to travel with a.o. trains, busses, trams and ferries on a daily basis. This way, we do what we can to prevent from spreading the virus and keep our team healthy. 

Being an online marketing agency, our daily business and reachability will remain intact. Our whole team is remotely online and reachable through the same emailadresses and phone numbers that you usually use. In fact, the biggest part of our team is working extra hours at the moment and are putting all efforts in to support our clients in the best possible way. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our whole team for that once again. 

Industry and team solving this crisis
But with every crisis, an opportunity arises. As far as I can see now, an opportunity for our whole international team of 55 people and the whole fitness industry to join forces. To make sure every single person in the fitness industry is being helped out as good as possible. From member to trainer, from gym to supplier. Everyone is affected by these regulations. Let’s use our talents as entrepreneurs to think about the stuff that matters. To drop borders and to go the extra mile where we can. I see fantastic initiatives and cooperations popping up almost every hour. That gives hope and believe that the industry will cover this crisis. Together. In a positive and harmonious way.

Think as an entrepreneur, without losing ethics and feelings out of sight
Directly after the first regulations that where specifically taken in the fitness industry, we started to shift. Aernout Leezenberg and myself as owners of Hidden Profits Marketing, together with the Management Team, the innovation team and our operations team. After letting sink in this new situation, we realised that it is our mission and responsibility to get the best out of this situation for our clients. We are currently looking and developing alternative ways to support our clients with extra tools and cooperations to service their clients best. But also move back to daily business; commercial idea’s that fit within the legal and moral boundaries to generate as much as possible leads as possible.

Our clients are still generating leads. Preparing for the reopening. Whether that will be in 2, 4 or 6 weeks. It’s our mission to guarantee our clients from a filled sales agenda. Some never stopped, some restarted a few days after the announcement of the new regulations, some are waiting for the best moment. 

All options are fine; we are there when the industry needs our support most.

All the best,

Wouter Cornelissen
CEO Hidden Profits Marketing - LinkedIn

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