Fitness marketing: not just words, but data!

Posted on 17-07-2023

An ambitious entrepreneur or manager in the fitness industry relies on data for at least 80% or even more,  supplemented by a little gut feeling. The small studio entrepreneurs with too few members do exactly the opposite.


Everything in the fitness industry revolves around numbers! Think about it. All trainers measure progress based on numbers, not intuition. As an entrepreneur, you manage your team and make decisions based on data. At least,, if you truly want to build a sustainable and successful business.

Did you know... HPM has the largest fitness marketing benchmark in the world!

Within Hidden Profits Marketing, we have a gi-gan-tic database full of marketing data from all clients worldwide since our founding in 2004. I estimate in the largest fitness marketing benchmark database in the world. With loads of data from the Netherlands and Belgium. We steer on the figures from that database. Supplemented by the opinions and experiences of our clients (with occasional healthy discussions about choices).

On which numbers do you want to base your marketing?

1 - “We do business based on human intuition”

Great! The more people you make happy, the better your business becomes. However, in practice, it turns out differently: entrepreneurs and managers who build their businesses based on data end up helping many, many more people. While relying on intuition is valuable for the vision and direction of the company

Action: Actively use a Lead Management System to enable measurement.

2 - “People really like my website and find it distinctive!”

Okay, can I be honest with you? For 20 years, I have been visiting websites of fitness clubs and studios. And for 20 years, I've been amazed that most websites revolve around (very nice) energetic promotional videos, action photos, lots of text and explanations, and nice team photos.  But also that it is made very difficult to respond immediately on the first visit. Why can't I easily(!) sign up directly at the top of the home page? Sign up to become a member, for more info, for help, for introductions, etc.

Action: Measure the number and percentage of website visitors who respond and become leads/members.

3 - “We don't advertise on Google with our company name, people already come for free!”

Well, that makes sense, if people come for free you don't want to pay for it. However, if you look a little deeper into your Google Analytics (at the conversion path), you will see that only a small percentage of site visitors become direct leads. Advertising on your own business name costs only a few Euros per month. However, it does deliver a 6x higher chance of people becoming direct leads. A missed opportunity if you do not advertise on your own company name.

Action: measure how many leads or members come in directly and indirectly via Google ads every month.

4 - “Leads from Facebook and Instagram ads are bad leads!”

I'll let you in on a little secret: people who scroll and swipe on social media are not necessarily looking for a gym or personal trainer. They're looking for entertainment. With a catchy advertisement, you have the opportunity to start a real conversation with them. They genuinely need your help. So, instead of saying "come and workout!" offer them your initial guidance, step by step. Going that extra mile is something your (lazy?) competition isn't willing to do. So, if you...

Action: measure how many of the leads you really helped step by step

5 - “Almost everyone becomes a member with us! As long as they come in.”

Really, that sounds great. The reality: if you don't yet have a truly measurable system for lead follow-up you're going to be shocked at what actually happens. And how do you guarantee that most leads actually come in? It starts with the leads from a service perspective calling directly within 2 minutes. The later after the lead comes in, the more you lose leads. Time flies, and attention from your leads flies. That's how society is now. Bonus: many professional clubs have a protocol of trying to reach the lead 13 times within 3 days. On average, they succeed after 5.5 times.

Action: measure what % of leads you call within 2 minutes + how many contact attempts you make

BONUS - Discover where your profit is still hidden in your data!

Fill in your details and click 'Send'. We'll be in personal contact within 1 business day. We're going to help you with your data and sustainable healthy profitability.



Published in the Dutch Body Life Magazine 2022-07



Author: Aernout Leezenberg

Founder & CEO, Hidden Profits Marketing (2004)

Author Aernout Leezenberg is founder of Hidden Profits Marketing, which, with a growing team of fitness marketing specialists, has been helping entrepreneurs and managers of studios and clubs in the fitness industry in the Netherlands and Belgium, among others, to a thriving business with an automatic flow of members and leads since 2004.

'Help fitness entrepreneurs thrive long-term with awesome marketing solutions'


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